Categories: Beauty and Health

What Can Happen if Low Testosterone Isn’t Treated?

Testosterone is the major male sex hormone and one of several androgens in females. Optimal levels regulate sexual function, maintain mood, maintain bone strength, and even regulate ovarian function. The balance between testosterone and other sex hormones is an important one; if you are experiencing low testosterone levels, it’s likely that you won’t feel your best. At Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN, our hormone optimization therapy is an effective, proven treatment for restoring the body’s testosterone production to healthy levels.

When Low Testosterone Is Left Untreated

There are many negative symptoms, as well as serious risks to the body, that result from untreated Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD) and Low Testosterone (Low-T). Testosterone is a key player in the production of sperm in males, and the maintenance of reproductive health and healthy sexual function in both males and females. Additionally, adequate levels of testosterone allow the body to maintain bone and muscle strength.

In addition to playing an important role in your body’s daily functioning, producing proper levels of testosterone in the body is also essential to protection from age-related disease. Untreated testosterone deficiency will greatly increase your risk for developing heart disease, osteoporosis, and other age-related diseases.

Signs and Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency

If you are experiencing unpleasant mental, physical, or emotional symptoms that are interfering with your ability to function on a day-to-day basis, you may want to consider that you have a testosterone deficiency. Symptoms can appear with varying degrees of severity, dependent on how great the deficiency. You may suffer from one, several, or all of the listed symptoms. The most commonly-occurring symptoms of TD and Low-T include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Poor memory or inability to focus
  • Low libido and/or sexual dysfunction
  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Loss of body hair, including beard growth

What Causes Testosterone Levels To Drop?

Testosterone levels are recorded in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), and 300 ng/dL or lower qualify as low. The most commonly contributing factor to lowered testosterone levels is age. As men grow older, their bodies hormone production slows down. Others are born with conditions, such as Klinefelter Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome, or ambiguous genitalia (the development of atypical sexual organs) that cause testosterone deficiency.

Aside from aging and pre-existing conditions, the most common known factors for lowered testosterone production are:

  • Hormone disorders, such as pituitary gland disease
  • Medications such as antidepressants and narcotics
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Diabetes
  • Testicular injury
  • Infections
  • Obesity

Hormone Optimization Therapy for Low Testosterone

While many assume that Low-T is a natural part of the aging process that simply needs to be accepted, the truth is that alleviating symptoms will improve quality of life and help protect the body from age-related disease. Hormone optimization therapy is a treatment for restoring hormonal balance by introducing bioidentical hormones to the body. Bioidentical hormones have an identical molecular structure to your body’s natural hormones.

Our hormone optimization therapy treatments can be customized to meet your specific needs so you can expect to improve your overall health and well-being in addition to treating your symptoms. We will target your specific hormone rebalancing needs, as well as your lifestyle requirements, when designing your treatment plan.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

As with most treatments, we will begin with an initial consultation. During this consultation, we will run diagnostics to assess your testosterone levels. You will also be given a blood requisition which will need to be completed in the morning, when testosterone levels peak. When the results of your blood test have been received, we will use this information to create your personalized treatment plan.

Your Hormone Therapy Plan

Many people don’t know this, but there are actually several different methods available for treating testosterone deficiency. Once we have an accurate picture of your testosterone levels, we can create a customized plan based on your required dosage, taking into account your lifestyle and preferences. For example, some forms of hormone therapy can be administered at home, while others require office visits.

Depending on your lifestyle and schedule, you may have preferences one way or the other. Hormone optimization therapy is also available in several forms, including pellets, patches, injections, and creams. Pellet therapy, for example, can be an attractive option for those looking for something long-lasting that doesn’t require continual upkeep. During your consultation, each of these methods will be reviewed with you so together we can select the most viable option for your treatment needs and lifestyle.

What To Expect When Beginning Treatment

After a method of treatment is selected, you’ll be able to begin hormone therapy. Of course, results will vary dependent on the severity of testosterone deficiency and the chosen method, however, effects should be evident within a few weeks of your first treatment. You can expect to see your symptoms disappear as your body experiences a rebalancing of its testosterone levels.

If low testosterone has been a chronic condition for you, hormone optimization therapy can radically change your experience of daily life. You can expect to see improved energy levels, the ability to finally start putting on muscle mass and achieving body goals, as well as a greater sense of well-being. Beginning treatment when your testosterone levels have been chronically low can give you a whole new lease on life.

Following Up: Ensuring The Best Possible Results

After your treatment, we’ll continue to monitor your testosterone levels. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled so we can ensure your hormones are balanced and on target. This is a vital part of your treatment, as it will allow us to adjust your dosage or treatment method if necessary so you receive the best possible results. Additionally, if you would like to discontinue your chosen method in favor of another, we can revise your treatment plan at a follow-up appointment.

It’s important to us that your treatment plan suits your lifestyle and needs, so we encourage you to explore the different therapy method options until you find a good fit. Our follow-up appointments are also a great time for us to connect over any questions or concerns you may be having regarding your treatment. It’s essential to us that you get the most out of your treatments, so communication is paramount. Having a list of questions or concerns prepared in advance of your follow-up appointment is recommended.

Benefits of Hormone Optimization Therapy

There are many benefits associated with hormone optimization therapy for Low-T and TD. For one, you will feel a restored sense of balance. The body is designed to operate best when your hormones are balanced, so this treatment will ideally have you feeling at your best. Most men who begin hormone optimization therapy also notice a reduction in their symptoms and a return to the benefits of proper testosterone levels. These benefits include:

  • Increased libido
  • Improved sexual performance
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger bones
  • Emotional stability
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Healthier skin and hair
  • Healthy weight loss
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved health and sense of well-being

Who Is a Good Candidate for Hormone Optimization Therapy Treatments?

Chances are, if you’re suffering from the symptoms of Low-T or TD, it’s impacting you on a daily basis. If you find yourself relating to the symptoms of testosterone imbalance that we’ve listed here, we recommend booking a consultation. You can spend hours scouring the internet for more information, mis-diagnosing yourself or getting yourself worked up, but your best bet is to talk to a professional about what you’re experiencing.

At Impressions Skin Solutions, we can perform vital diagnostics that will give you actual information about your testosterone levels. While age is the most common factor contributing to Low-T, young men can also experience testosterone imbalances for numerous reasons. Regardless of your age, if you are experiencing symptoms of lowered testosterone levels, we can evaluate your situation and design a treatment plan that’s right for you. Whether your system needs a small boost or a complete overhaul, we can help you restore your body’s hormonal balance.

Start Hormone Optimization Therapy Today

While testosterone levels may begin to lower naturally with age, that doesn’t mean you have to adapt to uncomfortable symptoms. With hormone optimization therapy, you can renew and rebalance your body’s hormone levels, improving your daily functioning and your overall health. If you think hormone optimization therapy might be a good fit for you, contact us at Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN today to book your initial consultation.

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