Categories: Beauty and Health

What Is the Difference Between Microneedling and RF Microneedling?

What’s your biggest skin concern? If you are primarily concerned with the tone of your skin, then you may want to consider a treatment like microneedling. But if you’re also concerned with the texture of your skin, the radiofrequency microneedling treatments at Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN may be a better option. Although both of these treatments are founded on the natural regenerative results of microneedling, there are huge differences between these collagen induction therapies that you may want to consider.

What Is the Difference Between Microneedling and RF Microneedling?

The main difference between traditional microneedling and radiofrequency microneedling is the inclusion of energy-based techniques. Basic microneedling works by injuring the upper dermal layers of the skin to stimulate the skin’s natural regenerative abilities, particularly the production of collagen in the deeper dermal layers.

Radiofrequency microneedling, on the other hand, exposes the skin to thermal energy during the treatment that helps stimulate collagen production from even deeper skin cells, which can have a greater overall impact on treatment goals related to anti-aging.

Is One Treatment Better Than the Other?

Whether or not one treatment is better than the other is something that will be determined by your treatment goals and preferences. For many people, microneedling is an adequate treatment to correct both textural and pigmentation concerns. However, if your concerns are moderate to severe or you want to achieve results more quickly, then radiofrequency microneedling may be a better option.

We will go over the pros and cons of each of these treatments during your consultation so you can select the treatment that is best for you. Some considerations may be made for your skin type and your skin tone, which can be an important factor in determining whether or not radiofrequency is appropriate for your needs.

Which Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the choice between these microneedling treatments will be determined by your aesthetic concerns. Traditional microneedling is ideal for shrinking the size of enlarged pores, softening fine lines, reducing shallow acne scarring, and improving the appearance of dark spots and blemishes.

By contrast, RF microneedling is designed for deeper concerns or more advanced anti-aging concerns. This treatment can be used to smooth the appearance of skin laxity, lines and wrinkles, and sun damage. The severity of your concerns may also dictate which treatment will be used for your treatment plan.

What Can You Expect From Treatment?

Both traditional microneedling and radiofrequency microneedling treatments can be completed in as little as 30 minutes to one hour most of the time. If you are treating only the face or only a small area, then your treatment times will be shorter. If you are treating multiple areas of the face and body, then your appointments will likely be longer.

During your treatment, you can choose to use a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort. Most people find this treatment comfortable and relatively low risk, even for those who have very sensitive skin.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

Most people will need a series of three to five microneedling treatments or three to six RF microneedling treatments to achieve optimal results. The estimated number of treatments you will need will vary based on your skin condition and your specific goals. Many people who have minor concerns may only need three treatments, while people who have moderate to severe concerns may need more than five to achieve optimal results.

How Should You Prepare for Treatment?

For both types of microneedling treatments, you will need to take some steps to prepare for your appointments. For example, one thing you may need to do is temporarily stop taking blood-thinning medications and supplements. Some blood-thinning medications and supplements can include ginkgo, vitamin E, and aspirin. If you are taking blood-thinning medications or supplements as prescribed by your regular physician, you may need to discuss temporarily stopping these medications for at least one week before your treatment.

Another way you should prepare for your treatment is to stop using certain skincare products that can irritate the skin, such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and most retinoids. You may also be instructed to avoid direct contact with the sun if you intend to use a radiofrequency treatment so that you can avoid hyperpigmentation risks.

What Is Your Recovery Like?

You will have a short recovery time after your treatment. Most people can go back to work or their normal daily activities immediately following their appointment, which can include exercise and errands. That said, you will be directed to avoid contact with the sun for at least two weeks, which means that if you are outside, you need to be wearing SPF 30 to 40 to protect your skin.

During the first 24 hours after your treatment, you should do your best to avoid hot water, steam, excessive heat, sweating, and irritating skin products. You will not be able to wear makeup for at least 24 hours. You may want to consider using aloe vera gel or other simple moisturizers during the first few days after your treatment. Do not exfoliate your skin for at least three to five days.

How Soon Will You See Results?

You will usually be able to see some initial improvements in the tone and overall appearance of your skin within one week of your treatment. The improvement of other concerns, such as enlarged pores or wrinkles, may take additional time. Most people will see optimal results from this treatment within two to four weeks after their first appointment.

The results of your treatments will gradually improve as you have additional appointments. Because your appointments will be spaced about a month apart, it can take a minimum of three to four months to see optimal results. The collagen that is produced with this treatment may continue to mature for another three months after your final appointment.

How Long Will Results Last?

As a general rule, the longevity of your results won’t depend on how long the collagen produced with this treatment can remain in your skin. Most people can expect the results of traditional microneedling will last for six to 12 months, while the results of RF microneedling can last for 12 to 18 months.

How Can You Maintain Your Results?

Aesthetic treatments are an investment in your appearance, so it makes sense to want to do everything you can to maintain your desired results. Some of the best methods to maintain and enhance your results include protecting your skin from the sun, adopting better skincare habits, and using high-quality skincare products.

Sun Protection

The UV rays in the sun are known to be the primary cause of visible skin aging, particularly in terms of photodamage like dark spots and the development of fine lines and wrinkles. You can protect your skin from future aging and also maintain your desired aesthetic results by wearing SPF every day. You should wear sunscreen even if it is cloudy outside, if you’re sitting by a window, or if you only plan to be outside for 20 minutes.

Skincare Habits

Good skincare is all about consistency. You should adopt a skincare routine that caters to your lifestyle and that you can easily keep up with. In general, your skincare routine should be done twice a day to cleanse, moisturize, and treat the skin. If you aren’t sure how to build good skincare habits, please discuss strategies with one of our aesthetic experts.

Skincare Products

High-quality skincare products contain active ingredients that treat specific skin concerns. For example, anti-aging skincare products will usually contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, and retinol to improve the texture and hydration of the skin. Another good active ingredient to include in your skincare products is niacinamide, which can help even out the skin tone.

Is There a Best Time for This Treatment?

While there is no best time to have this treatment, many people who use the radiofrequency version of microneedling find it easier to have these treatments during the winter months since this makes it easier to avoid unprotected exposure to the sun. If you are using these treatments to prepare for a specific life event, you should schedule your first appointment at least five or six months before your important date.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Radiofrequency Microneedling Treatments

Whether your main concern is addressing issues such as fine lines or you want to reduce the appearance of sun damage, a treatment like microneedling and radiofrequency microneedling can be good options. In general, you will be able to achieve more powerful results when you use RF microneedling, particularly if you have advanced skin concerns. Please contact Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN today to schedule your initial consultation.

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