
Hormone Replacement Therapy: How Does It Work?

Hormones play an essential role in our moods, metabolism, physical health, and sexual wellness. Many people suffer from the ill effects of imbalanced hormones, which can wreak havoc on the sleep cycle, lead to irritability, and impact concentration and focus. At Impressions Skin Solutions, we offer hormone replacement therapy to rebalance your hormones and alleviate unwanted symptoms.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

So what is hormone replacement therapy, and how can it benefit you? Hormone replacement therapy is the process of using bioidentical hormones like estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone to replenish depleted levels in your body. Effective hormone replacement can alleviate bothersome symptoms caused by imbalanced hormones.

At our facility, we use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in our treatments. It contains ingredients found in plants and other natural substances to restore your hormone levels.

We also offer a range of natural solutions that can restore your general health. As a result, you may find it easier to lose weight, sleep through the night, and supercharge a flagging libido.

What to Expect During Hormone Replacement Treatment

If you believe the symptoms you’re experiencing are related to a hormonal imbalance, it’s smart to get yourself checked out. When you schedule an appointment with us, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive check-up that determines whether a hormonal imbalance could be triggering your issues.

We’ll start by assessing your medical history, including any conditions you currently have. We’ll then look at the medications you’re currently taking. After discussing your symptoms, we’ll perform a blood analysis that determines your hormone level.

If your blood test indicates hormone depletion, and if we believe you to be a suitable candidate for hormone replacement, we’ll start you on a treatment plan. Our treatments can include creams, injections, pellet therapy, or patches. We’ll decide the most appropriate solution for you based on the severity of your hormonal imbalance and current health.

Once you start hormone replacement therapy, you’ll return for a check-up to monitor hormone changes. Over time, you should see relief to unwanted symptoms. We may make adjustments to your therapy if necessary. Feel free to ask us about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy before and during your treatment. We’ll gladly answer any questions you have.

Signs You May Need Hormone Replacement Therapy

It can be challenging to determine whether your symptoms are the result of imbalanced hormones, a medical condition, or your lifestyle. Here are a few signs to look out for.

Difficulty Sleeping

As you age, you likely don’t require the full eight or nine hours of sleep you needed in your teenage years, 20s, and 30s. However, if you find that staying in bed longer than five or six hours is difficult, you might have a hormonal imbalance.

Similarly, women entering menopause might find it nearly impossible to sleep at night. Symptoms like night sweats, frequent awakenings, and general sleep difficulties can become particularly troublesome. Hormone replacement therapy can alleviate these issues.

Challenges Losing Weight

Your hormones may be to blame if you’re noticing a few extra pounds despite sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan. Increases in hormones like cortisol and estrogen can significantly impact your weight, causing you to store more fat in your belly than you’d like.

Fortunately, you can restore your body’s natural metabolism by balancing your hormones. Simple bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be all that stands between you and a slimmer stomach.

Problems With Focus

Did you find your car keys in the refrigerator or forget to pick up your youngest child after school? While everyone suffers from the occasional memory lapse, your hormones may be to blame if forgetfulness becomes a consistent issue.

Disrupted hormones can make it more difficult to concentrate on easy tasks. You’ll find your focus drifting from your work to other issues, like whether you need to stop at the grocery store on the way home. Hormone replacement can improve your memory, which makes it easier to concentrate when needed.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

There’s much to look forward to when you balance your hormones. Here are a few of the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.

Better Moods

Hormone replacement therapy can boost your mood, making you happier and less irritable. The world will look a little rosier when you replace the hormones that are out of balance.

Feel More Frisky in the Bedroom

Imbalanced hormones can seriously put a damper on your libido, which makes sex less attractive and diminishes your sexual response during intercourse. With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, sex becomes fun again. Women will experience less vaginal dryness, and men will find it easier to maintain an erection.

More Energy for Life

Low energy levels can make it difficult to do any activities besides sleeping and working. You’ll lose interest in anything that involves physical activity, which means you’ll find yourself spending more nights watching Netflix.

However, people who undergo successful hormone replacement therapy can boost their energy. As a result, they will find it much more enjoyable to get out and be active.

Relief From Menopause Symptoms

Menopause can be quite the experience. It often causes unwanted night sweats, hot flashes, and sexual dysfunction. However, women can alleviate most of the symptoms of menopause through hormone replacement therapy. Once you balance your hormones, many of these issues will dissipate.

Better Sleep

Problems sleeping can be particularly rough on busy adults who need their rest to function properly. With hormone replacement therapy, you’ll find it easier to fall and stay asleep. Adequate, consistent sleep cycles can improve your general health.

Schedule a Hormone Replacement Consultation Today

We offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN. Schedule an appointment with us today to learn whether it’s the right solution for you. We’ll assess your hormone levels and design a customized treatment plan that suits your needs.

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