
A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Rid of Arm Cellulite

Arm cellulite is common among men and women. While there are a few natural alternatives to getting rid of arm cellulite, most won’t deliver the results that QWO cellulite therapy can. At Impressions Skin Solutions, we offer QWO cellulite treatment that can reduce stubborn cellulite over the course of a few sessions.

But what is QWO cellulite treatment exactly, and how does it work? Take a look at this comprehensive guide to getting rid of arm cellulite with QWO treatment.

What Is QWO Cellulite Treatment?

QWO cellulite removal involves injecting a substance known as collagenase into the area where cellulite proliferates — in this case, the arms. Collagenase helps to break down the peptide bonds in collagen. Those peptide bonds press against the skin’s surface when fat cells push against them, leading to the appearance of cellulite dimples in the arms.

As the peptide bonds break down, the fat cells no longer bulge between them, which creates a smoother appearance on the skin of your arms. The full effects of cellulite reduction with QWO appear gradually as your body rebuilds new collagen.

What to Expect From QWO Cellulite Treatment

When you decide to undergo QWO for cellulite in your arms, you’ll meet with us to discuss your treatment plan. We’ll start by inquiring about your medical history, including any conditions you have and the medications you’re taking. We’ll also examine your arms to determine whether you’re a good candidate for QWO cellulite therapy.

Before administering QWO injections for cellulite, we’ll walk you through the treatment, such as what to expect afterward. Make sure to ask us any questions you have. If you’re considered to be a suitable candidate for cellulite reduction with QWO, we’ll schedule an appointment for your injections.

On the day of your appointment, you’ll recline in a comfortable chair while we prepare your arms for QWO cellulite removal. Once ready, we’ll inject the QWO cellulite collagenase solution into your arms. Most people find the experience similar to Botox injections.

The appointment is quick and easy from start to finish. You should be in and out of our office within 30 minutes. Afterward, you can return to normal activities, including work or other responsibilities. There is no downtime, making QWO cellulite removal an easy treatment to fit in on your lunch break.

Results from Arm QWO Injections

QWO cellulite treatment works with your own body’s collagen-building processes to achieve its results. This means that usually, most people begin to see initial results within a month, but the most dramatic results appear three to four months following your initial injections. The collagenase must filter through the area and gently wear down the existing peptide bonds first.

You’ll need to undergo several sessions to maximize the impact of your QWO injections for cellulite. We ask patients to come for a follow-up treatment three to four weeks following their initial session with us. You may have one additional session after that.

Once the QWO cellulite injections fully settle in your body, the results last up to six months, and sometimes longer. To maintain your results, you’ll need to undergo the treatment again at the six-month point.

QWO for cellulite reduction is one of the best solutions for eliminating unwanted dimpling in the arms. You’re unlikely to find the same results from over-the-counter lotions and creams.

Benefits of QWO Cellulite Removal for Arms

Arm cellulite can be quite tricky to get rid of. It doesn’t respond very well to lotions, and any results you see from using them will likely fade within several days.

Incorporating a healthy diet and exercise routine can reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, some people are genetically predisposed to the condition, and no amount of lifting weights or drinking green smoothies will help. QWO cellulite therapy offers several benefits to people who want to reduce dimples in their arms, including:

Reduction in the Appearance of Cellulite in the Arms

The primary benefit of QWO cellulite treatment is reducing unwanted skin dimpling. Rather than spending hundreds of dollars on creams and lotions, a series of QWO injections can effectively smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

People who want to prepare their arms for a special event, like a wedding or upcoming vacation, will appreciate QWO’s results. If you love the outcome, you can maintain them through future treatments.

Long-Lasting Results

A QWO cellulite treatment lasts much longer than the results from creams or lotions. A cellulite cream may provide immediate benefits but typically wears off within a few hours or days. And you’ll need to continuously restock the cream you use, which can be quite costly.

With QWO, you can count on your results for up to six months. You won’t need to use lotions to maintain them. Instead, simply schedule a follow-up treatment at the six-month mark.

No Downtime

More invasive procedures that treat cellulite require some downtime. You may need to spend a few days — or weeks — recovering from your treatment before you can return to work.

However, QWO injections don’t require any downtime. Immediately after your treatment, you can return to your job or family. You won’t need a driver or anyone to take care of you.


Advanced cellulite removal options, like surgery or other invasive techniques, can cost thousands of dollars. Even cellulite lotions can be quite expensive, depending on the brand you use and how often you replenish it. With QWO cellulite therapy, you’ll see the results you want through a cost-effective treatment.

Tackle Arm Cellulite With QWO Cellulite Injections

If you’re ready to diminish cellulite on your arms, QWO therapy is an effective solution that reliably delivers results. At Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN, we offer QWO cellulite removal in addition to a range of rejuvenating services, from body sculpting to hormone replacement. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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