Dysport Hendersonville, Tennessee

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process, and it can feel like there needs to be more you can do about it. But Dysport injections may be an excellent option to help mitigate those signs of aging. Dysport is a prescription injection that reduces the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. 

At Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN, we provide Dysport injections. We are devoted to helping everyone reach their aesthetic goals quickly and safely with Dysport so you can have beautiful results that look natural. With Dysport injections, you can be confident your treatment will give subtle but effective results while still looking like you!

What is Dysport?

Dysport is one of the most modern and effective injectable neuromodulators, helping men and women of all ages reclaim a more youthful-looking complexion. Dysport consists of botulinum toxin type A, which is a potent purified protein that can temporarily paralyze muscle activity in the facial region, reducing the appearance of wrinkles in just days. Dysport targets underlying muscles that cause wrinkles, resulting in a smoother solution with no downtime required.

What is Dysport Used For?

Dysport is an injectable treatment typically used to diminish the appearance of wrinkles in the facial area. Dysport injections are commonly administered on sites such as the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes – all of which are particularly prone to developing fine lines and creases due to years of expression and age-related change. 

Dysport works by blocking nerve signals that cause our muscles to contract; this results in smoother skin with fewer wrinkles. Dysport is a safe and effective treatment option for many seeking a refreshed and youthful look.

It can also be used in combination with other treatments, such as dermal fillers, to provide patients with optimal results. Additionally, Dysport can be injected into other areas of the face or body to treat medical conditions like neck spasms and excessive sweating. Dysport is an effective and safe way to achieve subtle yet noticeable changes in your appearance without spending too much time at a doctor’s office or during recovery.

Benefits of Dysport

There are numerous benefits associated with using Dysport as an anti-aging treatment. For starters, it can help reduce the appearance of: 

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Frown lines
  • Other signs of aging on the face

In addition, it is quick and easy to administer; in fact, many people find that they can see results within just a few days after receiving their first injection. 

Additionally, because the effects last longer, you won’t have to worry about scheduling follow-up appointments as frequently as you would with other anti-aging solutions. Finally, unlike other treatments, there is no downtime associated with receiving injections of Dysport, meaning you can return to your normal activities immediately after your appointment. 

Differences between Dysport and Botox

Deciding between Dysport and Botox injections can be tricky, as both contain the active ingredient botulinum toxin and can offer effective anti-wrinkle results. However, there are critical differences between the two neuromodulators: 

  • Dysport takes effect more quickly than its counterpart, Botox, within two to three days instead of four to seven.
  • It may also last a slightly shorter period, three to four months, than Botox’s four to six months.
  • Dysport comes from botulinum toxin type B, while Dysport is made from botulinum toxin type A. Because of this, Dysport is further known for spreading out more from the injection site than Botox, making it an excellent treatment option for treating larger parts of the face, such as the forehead, or areas with particularly deep wrinkles.

Knowing the differences between Botox and Dysport can be essential when choosing which neuromodulator to receive. Ultimately, it is important to consult with us to help you decide which option will best suit your needs.

What Can I Anticipate from a Dysport Treatment?


Dysport treatments are an ideal solution for those looking for an injectable to reduce the signs of aging without taking a large chunk out of their day. Dysport injections only take minutes and have extraordinarily little, if any, downtime meaning you can go about your day typically straight away. Some slight bruising or swelling at the injection sites may occur, but these symptoms usually subside in a few days.

Aftercare and Recovery

Dysport has been clinically proven to deliver noticeable results within a few days of treatment, with optimal effects lasting up to 4 months. However, it is essential to remember that everyone responds differently to Dysport, so some may notice that their Dysport treatments only last 2-3 months instead of the entire 4 months.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dysport?

Dysport injections can be an excellent choice for those seeking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines without going through surgery. Dysport is an injectable that can improve the depth and length of wrinkles, making your face smoother and more youthful.

We provide professional consultations to ensure Dysport is the right option for you. We will also answer any questions or concerns you may have about Dysport or other anti-aging treatments so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

Get a Younger Appearance Fast with Dysport Injections

At Impressions Skin Solutions in Hendersonville, TN, Dysport injections are offered for effective facial rejuvenation. Dysport is a neurotoxin injectable and an excellent solution for reducing wrinkles and giving your face a younger look. Dysport works as quickly as 24 hours after the injection and can last up to four months. 

For long-term results, regular Dysport treatments are recommended. Dysport injections give a natural-looking appearance that can restore confidence. If you are interested in Dysport treatments, contact us today for more information and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced professionals.