

You’re aware that drinking enough water is beneficial to your body, but as with any important information that can make your life better, it’s never a bad thing to take a refresher course. Warmer weather is almost upon you, and you will most likely be traveling to vacation destinations in a car or on a plane, so now is a great time to brush up on your water intelligence.

Hydration facts:

  • It’s free! Perhaps the best thing about H20 is that it is usually free. On a long trip or a hot day, or after exercising, you can grab a drink of water with very little trouble at all, and little-to-no expense, especially when compared to the prices of sodas and energy drinks. And it’s the best thing for you, anyway! When traveling, it’s easy to grab a water, and you can usually request it at no cost, or find water fountains. Air travel especially can be de-hydrating, so prepare ahead of time for those situations.
  • Prevents headaches and injuries. Often, those miserable headaches you suffer from are caused by dehydration, and migraines can often be alleviated or controlled by proper water intake. Proper hydration also keeps your joints lubricated and your muscles more elastic, lowering the chances that you will suffer from pain in those areas.
  • Improves complexions. Water moisturizes your skin, keeping it fresh, smooth, and glowing. It also can prevent wrinkles! It is one of the best anti-aging treatments there is.
  • Boosts internal health. Drinking enough water aids in your regularity, which is great for your internal organs. Staying hydrated aids your digestive system, preventing constipation, and it also boosts your immune system so that it can fight against flu, cancer, and heart disease. What’s not to like?
  • Increases energy and promotes weight loss. Since your brain is mostly water, keeping enough H20 in your system helps you to think and focus better, while boosting your energy levels. Water also removes the by-products of fat, and, if you drink water before your meals, reduces your intake of food by filling you up. It is also a natural appetite-suppressant and has zero calories!
  • Flushes out toxins. Water is a champ at flushing out the toxins and impurities we carry around in our bodies, and these materials are often the culprits in chronic illnesses, fatigue, depression, and weight imbalances.

Water is a champ when it comes to your health. Make H20 your constant companion year-round, and feel the difference!


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